Explicatif des abréviations employées:
- A/A: Air to air
- A/G: Air/Ground
- AAA: Aesean Airline Association
- AAC: Airline Administrative Communication
- AAIB: Air Accidents Investigation Branch (UK)
- AALPBH: Association of Airline Pilots in Bosnia & Herzegovina
- AAM: Airbus Asset Management
- AAME: Association of Aviation Medical Examiners
- AAP: IFALPA Accident Analysis & Prevention Committee
- AAPA: Association of Asia Pacific Airlines
- AASA: Air Lines Association of Southern Africa
- AASC: Airport Authorities Steering Committee
- AAT: Aeronautics and Air Transport
- AATF: Airworthiness Assurance Task Force
- ABET: Airspace Behavioral Engineering Technology
- ABM: Abeam
- ABV: Above
- AC: Altocumulus
- ACA: Austrian Cockpit Association
- ACAC: Arab Civil Aviation Council
- AC: Advisory Circular
- ACAMS: Aircraft Condition Analysis and Management System
- ACARE: Advisory Council for Aviation Research and Innovation in Europe
- ACARS: Aircraft Communications, Addressing, and Reporting System
- ACARS: MU Aircraft Communications, Adressing and Reporting Systems Management Unit
- ACAS: Airborne Collision Avoidance System
- ACCC: Australian Competition and Consumer Commission
- ACCS: Air Command and Control System
- ACDAC: Asociacion Colombiana de Aviadores Civiles (Columbia)
- ACG: ATN/CNS Consultancy Group
- ACH: Air traffic control Flight Plan Change
- ACI : Airports Council International
- ACIPLA: Asociacian Civil de Pilotos de Lineas Aereas (Uruquay)
- ACK: Acknowledge
- ACL: Air Traffic Control Clearance (Service)
- ACM: Acceptable Means of Compliance
- ACNZ: Airways Corporation of New Zealand
- ACRPWG: Aircraft Crash Recovery Procedures Working Group
- AD: Aerodrome
- ADEP: Aerodrome of Departure
- ADES: Aerodrome of Destination
- ADF: Automatic Direction Finder
- ADIRS: Air Data Inertial Reference System
- ADIS: Automatic dependent surveillance and Data Link Interim System
- ADISP: Automated Data Interchange Systems Panel
- ADIZ: Air Defence Identification Zone
- ADM: Aeronautical Decision Making
- ADO: IFALPA Aircraft Design & Operation Committee
- ADREP: Aircraft Accident/Incident Data Reporting System (ICAO)
- ADS: Automatic Dependent Surveillance
- ADS-B: Automatic Data Surveillance Broadcast
- ADS-B Out: Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast Out
- ADS-C: Automatic Data Surveillance Contract
- ADSP: Automatic Dependent Surveillance Panel (ICAO)
- AEA: Association of European Airlines
- AEEC: Airlines Electronic Engineering Committee
- AEROSAT: Aeronautical Satellite Council
- AFA: Association of Flight Attendants
- AFC: Air Traffic Control Frequency Change (Service)
- AFCAC: African Civil Aviation Commission
- AFCS: Automatic Flight Control System
- AFIS: Aerodrome Flight Information Service
- AFM: Aeroplane Flight Manual
- AFN: Air traffic Services Facilities Notification
- AFP: Area Forecast Panel
- AFRAA: African Airlines Association
- AFS: Aeronautical Fixed Service
- AFTN: Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunications Network
- AGA: Aerodromes, Air Routes and Ground Aids
- AGAS: European Action Group for ATM Safety
- AGE: IFALPA Aerodrome & Ground Environment Committee
- AGL: Above Ground Level / ASFC : Above surface
- AHRS: Attitude Heading Reference System
- AI: Application Interface
- AIC: Aeronautical Information Circular
- AIDC: ATS Interfacility Data Communication
- AIDS: Airborne Integrated Data Systems
- AIG: Accident Investigation & Prevention (ICAO Divisional)
- AIM: Aeronautical Information Management
- AIM-FANS: Airbus Interoperable Modular FANS
- AIMS: Aircraft Information Management System
- AIP: Aeronautical Information Publication
- Air: Report (message designator)
- AIRAC: Aeronautical Information Regulation & Control
- AIRC: Aeronautical Information & Control
- AIRCOM: Air Communications
- AIREP: Plain language form of Air Report
- Airspace and Traffic Management
- AIRSTRM: Assuring the Implementation of Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radio-active Materials
- AIS: Aeronautical Information Services
- AIXM: Aeronautical Information eXchange Model
- AL: Approach Lights
- ALPA: Asociacion de Pilotos de Lineas Aereas (Argentina)
- ALPA: Japan Air Line Pilots’ Association of Japan
- ALPA-A: Air Line Pilots’ Association of Armenia
- ALPA-E: Air Line Pilots’ Association of Ethiopia
- ALPA-FYROM: Air Line Pilots’ Association of The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
- ALPA-Int: Air Line Pilots’ Association – International
- ALPA-K: Air Line Pilots’ Association of Korea
- ALPA-M: Airline Pilots’ Association – Malta
- ALPAP: Air Line Pilots’ Association of the Philippines
- ALPA-S: Air Line Pilots’ Association – Singapore
- ALPA-SA: Air Line Pilots’ Association – South Africa
- ALPA-SL: Air Line Pilots’ Association of Slovenia
- ALPL: Association Luxembourgeoise des Pilotes de Ligne
- ALR: IFALPA’s Airport Liaison Representative Program
- ALRS: Approach Lighting System
- ALT: Altitude (above mean sea level)
- ALTN: Alternate aerodrome
- AMA: Area Minimum Altitude
- AMC: Air Traffic Control Microphone Check
- AMCP: Aeronautical Mobile Communications Panel
- AMDA: Airlines Medical Directors Association
- AMOSA: Association of Aviation Maintenance Organisations of Southern Africa
- AMPL: Association Marocaine de Pilots de Ligne
- AMSL: Above Mean Sea Level
- AMSS: Aeronautical Mobile Satellite System
- AMSSP: Aeronautical Mobile Satellite Service Panel
- ANC: Air Navigation Commission
- ANConf: Air Navigation Conference
- ANPAC: Associazione Nazionale Piloti Aviazione Commerciale (Italy)
- ANPP: Air Navigation Plan Publication
- ANSP: Air Navigation Service Provider
- ANT: Air Navigation Team (Eurocontrol)
- AO: Aircraft Operator
- AOA: Aircrew Officers Association
- AOAS: Advanced Oceanic Automation System
- AOC: Airline Operational Control
- AOCI: Airport Operators Council International
- AOPG: Aerodrome Operations Planning Group
- APA: Allied Pilots Association
- APA(CV): Air Line Pilots Association (Cape Verde)
- APANPIRG: Asia/Pacific Air Navigation Planning and Implementation Regional Group APATSI Airport/air traffic system interface
- APDSG: Airspace Planning & Development Sub-Group
- APEC: Aircraft Performance Evaluation & Certification
- APG: Asosiasi Pilot Garuda
- APGSL: Air Line Pilots’ Guild of Sri Lanka
- API: Advanced Passenger Information
- API: Application Programming Interface
- APIRG: African Planning and Implementation Regional Planning Group
- APLRIM: Association des Pilotes de Lignes de Mauritanie
- APM: Accident Prevention Manual
- APN: Apron
- A-PNT: Alternative Positionning Navigation and Timing
- APP: Approach Control
- APPA: Asociacion Profesional de Pilotos Aviadores de Costa Rica
- APPLA: Associacao Pilotos Portugueses Linha Aerea (Portugal)
- APU: Auxiliary Power Unit
- APV: Approach Procedures with Vertical guidance
- AQM: Aircom Quality Performance
- AR: Administrative Recommendation
- ARAC: Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee (FAA)
- ARASCNAC: Air traffic services Routes for Aircraft with Self-contained Navigational
- Capabilities
- ARC: Area Chart
- ARC:Aviation Rulemaking Committee
- ARCP: Aerodrome Reference Code Panel
- ARINC: Aeronautical Radio INCorporated
- ARITRM: Assessment of the Radiological Impact from the Transport of Radioactive Materials
- ARM: Airspace Risk Model
- ARO: Air traffic services reporting office
- ARP: Aerodrome Reference Point
- ARQ: Automatic error correction
- ARST: Arresting (part of an aircraft arresting system)
- AS: Altostratus
- ASA: Airservices Australia
- ASAP: Aviation Safety Action Programme
- ASC: Aviation Safety Council Ascend to or ascending
- ASCOS: Aviation Safety and Certification of new Operations and Systems
- ASD: Air Situation Display
- ASDA: Accelerate Stop Distance Available
- ASE: Altimetry System Error
- ASECNA: Agence pour la Securité de la Navigation en Afrique et à Madagascar (Agency for Security and Navigation for Africa and Madagascar)
- ASIP: AVPAC (Aviation VHF-Very High Frequency- Packet Communication) Simple Interface Protocol
- ASM: Air Space Management
- AsMA: Aerospace Medical Association
- ASP: AIRCOM Service Processor
- ASPA: Asociacian Sindical de Pilots Aviadores de Mexico
- ASPENN RPG: Aeronautical Fixed Service Planning Study EUR/NAM/NAT Regional Planning Group
- ASPH: Asphalt
- ASPLAB: Asociacion Sindical de Pilotos del Lloyd Aereo (Bolivia)
- ASPP: Aeronautical Fixed Service Systems Planning for Data Interchange Panel
- ASTERIX: All Purpose Structured EUROCONTROL Radar Information Exchange
- ASTOR: Aircraft Simulation for Traffic Operations Research
- ATA: Air Transport Association of America
- ATAFG: African Air Traffic Analysis and Forecasting Group
- ATAG: Air Transport Action Group
- ATC: Air Traffic Control
- ATCA: Air Traffic Controllers Association (USA)
- ATFM: Air Traffic Flow Management
- ATIS: Aerodrome Terminal Information Service
- ATIS-B: Automatic Terminal Information Service – Broadcast
- ATK: Air Traffic Controller Acknowledgement (service)
- ATLA: Air Transport Licensing Authority
- ATM: Air Transport Management
- ATMCP: Air Traffic Management Operational Concept Panel
- ATMG: Airspace and Traffic Management Group
- ATMRPP: ATM Requirements and Performance Panel
- ATN: Aeronautical Telecommunications Network
- ATNP: Aeronautical Telecommunications Network Panel
- ATPL: Air Transport Pilot Licence
- ATS: Air Traffic Services
- ATSB: Air Transportation Stabilisation Board Australian Transport Safety Bureau
- ATSU: Air Traffic Services Unit
- ATTCS: Automatic Takeoff Thrust Control Systems
- ATV: Associazione Tecnici di Volo Aviazione Civile (Italy Flight Engineers)
- ATZ: Aerodrome Traffic Zone
- AUS-ALPA: Australian Air Line Pilots Association
- AUSEP: Australian RNAV Separation Standards
- A-VDGS: Advanced-Visual Docking Guidance System
- AVLC: Aviation VHR Link Control
- AVMED: Aviation Medicine
- AVPAC: Aviation VHF (Very High Frequency) Packet Communication
- AVSEC: Aviation Security
- AWO JAA: All Weather Operations
- AWOP: All Weather Operations Panel
- AWOS: Automated Weather Observation System
- AWPA: Australian Women Pilots’ Association
- AWY: Airway
- BA: Braking Action
- Bahamas ALPA: Bahamas Airline Pilots’ Association
- BALPA: British Air Line Pilots’ Association
- BAPA: Bangladesh Airline Pilots’ Association
- BCC: Battery Charge Controller
- BeCA: Belgium Cockpit Association
- BORG: Basic Operational Requirements Group
- BSP: Aircraft Parameter Downlink (service)
- BUL-ALPA: Bulgarian Air Line Pilots’ Association
- CAA NZ: Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand
- CAA PNG: Civil Aviation Authority of Papua New Guinea
- CAA SI: Civil Aviation Authority of Solomon Islands
- CAA: Civil Aviation Authority
- CAAC: Civil Aviation Administration of China
- CAAF: Civil Aviation Authority of Fiji
- CAAS: Certification of Aeroplane Automatic Systems
- CAASA: Commercial Aviation Association of Southern Africa
- <li>CACRC: Commercial Aircraft Composite Repair Committee
- CAEE: Committee of Aircraft Engine Emissions
- CAeM: Commission for Aeronautical Meteorology
- CAEP: Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection (ICAO)
- CALPA: China Airline Pilots’ Association
- CAMA: Civil Aviation Medical Association
- CAN: Committee on Aircraft Noise
- CANDI: Civil Aviation Network Data Interchange
- CANSO: Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation
- CAP: Study Group on Continuing Airworthiness Problems
- CAPA: Cayman Airline Pilots’ Association
- CAPS: Computer Automated Profiling Systems
- CARATS: Collaborative Actions for Renovation of Air Traffic Systems
- CAS: Calibrated Air Speed
- CASA: Civil Aviation Safety Authority (Australia)
- CASA: Computer Assisted Slot Allocation
- CASS: Corporate Aviation Safety Seminar
- C-ATSU: Current Air Traffic Services Unit
- CAVOK: Ceiling and Visibility OK / Clouds and Visibility OK
- CAVU: Ceiling and Visibility Unlimited
- CAWU: Civil Aviations Workers Union
- CBOC: Composite Binary Offset Carrier
- CCAA: Chinese Civil Aviation Association
- CCO: Continuous Climb Operations
- CCQ: Cross Cockpit Qualification
- CCS: Cabin Communications System
- CD: Candela
- CDA: Continuous Descent Approach
- CDFA: Constant Descent Final Approach
- CDN: Coordination (message designator)
- CDO: Continuous Descent Operations
- CDR: Conditional Route
- CDS: Cabin Distribution System
- CDTI: Cockpit Display of Traffic Information
- CEAC: Committee of European Airspace Co-ordination
- CEFA: Committee for Environmentally Friendly Aviation (ERA)
- CEI: Cabin Equipment Interfaces
- CET: Central European Time
- CFDIU: Central Fault Display Interface Unit
- CFDS: Centralised Fault Display System
- CFIT: Controlled Flight Into Terrain
- CFMU: Central Flow Management Unit
- CG: Centre of Gravity
- CGL: Circling Guidance Lights
- CHG: Modification (message designator)
- CIDIN: Common ICAO Data Interchange Network
- CIE: International Commission on Illumination
- CIMO: Committee for Instruments and Methods of Observation
- CIP: Convergence and Implementation Programme
- CIR: Cockpit Image Recorders
- CIRM: International Radio Maritime Committee
- CLOP: Criminal Liability of Pilots
- CMIC: Civil/Military Interface Committee
- CNS: Communication, Navigation and Surveillance
- COCESNA: Central American Corporation for Air Navigation Services
- CODA: Central Office of Delay Analysis
- COSCAP: Cooperative Development of Operational Safety and Airworthiness Activities
- CPAR: Cockpit Personnel Association of Russia
- CPC: Circulo de Pilotos de Chile
- CPDLC: Controller Pilot Data Link Communications
- CPL: Commercial Pilot Licence
- CPU: Core Processing Unit
- CRAM: Conditional Route Availability Message
- CRCO: Central Route Charges Office
- CRM: Collision Risk Methodology
- CRO-ALPA: Croatian Air Line Pilots’ Association
- CRP: Co-ordinated Research Programme
- CS: Certification Specification
- CSI: Criticality Safety Index
- CSM: Consultant Services Meeting
- CTAM: Climb to and maintain
- CTO: Calculated Time Over
- CTOL: Conventional Take-Off & Landing
- CTU: Cabin Telecommunications Unit
- CUI: Committee on Unlawful Interference
- CVR: Cockpit Voice Recorder
- CW: Carrier Wave
- CWP: Controller Working Position
- CZ-ALPA: Czech Air Line Pilots’ Association
- DALPA: Danish Air Line Pilots’ Association
- DANT: Danish NEAN Project Team
- DAP: Download of Aircraft Parameter
- DARP(S): Dynamic Airborne Route Planning (System)
- DATAC: Digital Autonomous Terminal Access Communication
- D-ATSU: A Downstream Air Traffic Services Unit
- DCAA: Danish Civil Aviation Administration (SLV)
- DCD: Double Channel Duplex
- DCPC: Direct Controller-Pilot Communications
- DCS: Double Channel Simplex
- DED: Directorate of European Air Traffic Control Harmonisation and Integration Programme Development
- DEFAMM: Demonstration Facilities for Airport Movement Management
- DES: Descend to/descending
- DEV: Direction des Essais en Vol
- DFTI: Distance From Touchdown Indicator
- DG: IFALPA Dangerous Goods Committee
- DGAC: Direction Générale de l’Aviation Civile (France)
- DGB: Dangerous Goods Board
- DGCA: Director-Generals of Civil Aviation
- DGELG: Dangerous Goods European Advisory Group
- DGP: DLEC Dangerous Goods Panel – Department for Liaison with the European Community
- D-GPS: Differential Global Positioning System
- DGPS: Differential GPS
- DGRs: Dangerous Goods Regulations
- DGVII: Directorate General VII
- DH: Decision Height
- DITS: Digital Information Transfer System
- DL: Downlink Message
- DLAP: Down Linked Aircraft Parameters
- DLASD: Data Link Application and System Document
- DLH: Deutsche Lufthansa
- DLR: German Aerospace Center
- DLSG: Data Link Sub Group (Eurocontrol)
- DME: Distance Measuring Equipment
- DMI: Distance Measurement Instrument
- DOA: Design Organisation Approval
- DOP: Dilution Of Precision
- DOTS: Dynamic Ocean Tracking System
- DP: Dew Point Temperature
- DR: Dead Reckoning Navigation
- DSAC: Directions de la Sécurité de l’Aviation Civile
- DSB: Double Side Band
- DSCN: Direct Speech Circuit Networks
- DSNA: Direction des Services de la Navigation Aérienne
- DTG: Distance To Go
- DTU: Data Terminating Unitv
- DTW: Dual Tandem Wheels
- DUT: Device Under Test
- DW: Dual wheels
- DZ: Drizzle
- EAD: Emergency Airworthiness Directive
- EAMG: European Air (Traffic Flow Management) Group
- EANPG: European Air Navigation Planning Group
- EAPTU: Air Line Pilots Trade Union (Estonia)
- EARC: Elimination of Ambiguity in Radiotelephony Call Signs
- EASA: European Aviation Safety Agency
- EASP: European Aviation Safety Plan
- EASS: European Aviation Safety Seminar
- EATCHIP: European Air Traffic Control Harmonisation and Integration Programme
- EATMS: European Air Traffic Management System
- EBAA: European Business Aviation Association
- EBU: Engine Build Unit
- EC: Executive Controller (also known as ‘Radar Controller’)
- EC: European Commission
- ECA: European Cockpit Association
- ECAC: European Civil Aviation Conference
- ECAM: Electronic Centralised Aircraft Monitoring (airborne display)
- ECAR: European Civil Aviation Requirement
- ECASS: European Committee on Aircrew Scheduling and Safety
- ECAST: European Commercial Aviation Safety Team
- ECCAIRS: European Coordination Centre for Accident and Incident Reporting Systems
- ECMT: European Conference of Ministers of Transport
- EDD: Electronic Data Display
- EEC: EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre
- EFB: Electronic Flight Bag
- EFC: Expect Further Clearance
- EGALPA: Egyptian Air Line Pilots Association
- EGAST: European General Aviation Safety Team
- EGNOSS: European Geostationary Navigation System Overlay
- EGPWS: Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System
- EHEST: European Helicopter Safety Team
- EHF: Extremely High Frequency (30,000 to 300,000 Mhz)
- EHSAT: European Helicopter Safety Analysis Team
- EIM: Enosis Iptamenon Michanikon (Greece Flight Engineers)
- ELBA: Emergency Locator Beacon Aircraft
- ELS: Electronic Library Systems
- ELT: Emergency Locator Transmitter
- EMARSSH: Europe, Middle East, Asia Route Structure of the Himalayas
- EMAS: Engineered Materials Arresting System
- EMS: Emergency Medical Service
- E-OCVM: European Operational Concept Validation Methodology
- EPCU: Electrical Power Control Unit
- ERA: European Regions Airlines Association
- EROC: Study Group on En-Route Obstacle Clearance Criteria
- ERP: Emergency Response Plan
- ESA: European Space Agency
- ESASI: European Society of Air Safety Investigators
- ESSI: European Strategic Safety Initiative
- ETA: Estimated Time of Arrival
- ETD: Estimated Time of Departure
- ETFMS: Enhanced Tactical Flow Management Systems (Eurocontrol)
- ETO: Estimated Time Over
- ETOPs: Extended Range Twin-Engine Operations
- ETOT: Estimated Take Off-Time
- ETSI: European Telecommunications Standards Institute
- ETSO: European Technical Standard Orders
- EU: European Union
- EU-FCL: EASA Flight Crew Licensing
- EU-OPS: EASA Operations Regulations
- EUR /TFG: European Traffic Forecasting Group
- EUR: Region European Region
- EURO RAN: European Regional Air Navigation (Meeting)
- EUROCAE: European Organisation for Civil Aviation Equipment
- EUROCONTROL: European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation
- EUROPILOTE: European Organisation or Airline Pilots Association
- EVS: Enhanced Visual System
- FAA: Federal Aviation Administration (USA)
- FABEC: Functional Airspace Block Europe Central
- FADEC: Full Authority Digital Engine Control
- FAF: Final Approach Fix
- FAL: Final Assembly Line
- FALPA: Fiji Air Line Pilots Association
- FANS: Future Air Navigation System
- FAP: Final Approach Point
- FAR: Federation Aviation Regulations (US FAA)
- FARAWAY: Fusion of Radar and ADS data through two WAY data link
- FAST: Future Aviation Safety Team
- FCL: Flight Crew Licensing
- FCM: Flight Confirmation Message
- FCT: Friction Coefficient
- FDA: Flight Data Analysis
- FDF: Final Dissemination Forum
- FDFM: Flight Data and Flow Management Group
- FDM: Flight Data Message
- FDMS: Flight Data Monitoring System
- FDP: Flight Data Processing
- FDPS: Flight Data Processing System
- FDR: Flight Data Record
- FEATS: Future European Air (Traffic Services) System Concept Group
- FENA: Flight Engineers and Navigators Association
- FHA: Functional Hazard Analysis
- FIA: Icelandic Air Line Pilots Association
- FIC: Finance Committee
- FIM: Fault Isolation Manual
- FIR: Flight Information Region
- FISA: Flight Information Service (Automatic)
- FIS-B: Flight Information Services Broadcast
- FIXM: Flight Information eXchange Model
- FKFE: Forum Komunikasi Flight Engineers (Indonesia)
- FL: Flight Level
- FLAS: Flight Level Allocation Scheme
- FLIREC: Flight Recorders
- FLOE/FLOEast: Informal Flow Control (Europe East)
- FLOW/FLOWest: Informal Flow Control (Europe West)
- FLT: Flight
- FMC: Flight Management Computer
- FMDB: Fault Message Database
- FMG: Frequency Management Group
- FMI: Frequency Management Issues
- FMPG: Air Traffic Flow Management Planning Group
- FMS: Flight Management System
- FMU: Flow Management Unit
- FNPT: Flight & Navigation Procedures Trainer
- FO: Flight Object
- FOC: Full-Operational Capability
- FOD: Foreign Object Debris
- FOG: Fiber Optical Gyroscope
- FOQA: Flight Operations Quality Assurance
- FP7: 7th Framework Programme
- FPA: Finnish Pilots’ Association
- FPDC: Fédération Professionnelle du Drone Civil
- FPL: Filed Flight Plan
- FREER: Free-Route Experimental Encounter Resolution
- FRP: Fares and Rates Panel
- FSF IAS: Flight Safety Foundation International Aviation Safety
- FSF: Flight Safety Foundation
- FSG: Flight Study Group
- FTPC: Flight Technical Professional Committee
- FUA: Flexible Use of Airspace
- FZDZ: Freezing Drizzle
- FZFG: Freezing Fog
- FZL: Freezing Level
- FZRA: Freezing Rain
- G/A: Ground to Air
- GA: Go-around
- GALPA: Ghanaian Air Line Pilots’ Association
- GANP: Global Air Navigation Plan
- GAPAN: Guild of Air Pilots & Navigators
- GASAG: Global Aviation Security Action Group
- GAT: General Air Traffic
- GBAS: Ground Based Augmentation System (ie GLS)
- GCU: Generator Control Unit
- GDATA: Guide DATA analyser (Software for positioning performance assessment)
- Georgian ALPA: Georgian Air Line Pilots’ Association
- GERT: German NEAN Project Team
- GES: Ground Earth Station (satellite)
- GIS: Geographic Information System
- GIVD: Gravity Induced Vestibular Dysfunction
- GLOC: Gravity Induced Loss of Consciousness
- GLONASS: GLObal Navigation Satellite System (operated by the Russian Space Forces)
- GLS: Global Landing System
- GNLU: GNSS Navigation and Landing Unit
- GNSS: Global Navigation Satellite System
- GP: Glidepath
- GPS: Global Positioning System (operated by the DoD)
- GPWS: Ground Proximity Warning System
- GRACYAS: Caribbean/ South American African Regional Planning Group
- GSIF: Ground Station Identification Frames
- GSUITE: Guide software suite (Suite of Software used for positioning analysis)
- GSURV: Guide SURVey software (Software for managing data collection)
- GTPAPC: Grupo Tecnico de Pilotos Aviadores Profesionales de Cuba
- GUI: Graphical User Interface
- GUIDE: GNSS Usage Innovation Development of Excellence
- HALPA: Hellenic Air Line Pilots Association (Greece)
- HAPI: Helicopter Approach Path Indicator
- HARA: Helicopter Airborne Radar Approaches Study Group
- HASA: Helicopter Association of Southern Africa
- HAWOP: Helicopter All-Weather Operations Study Group
- HBT: Human Behavioural Technology
- HDF: High Frequency Direction-finding station
- HEL: IFALPA Helicopter Committee
- HELIOPS: Helicopter Operations Panel
- HEMS: Helicopter Emergency Medical Services
- HF: High Frequency
- HIL: Horizontal Integrity Limit
- HIRO: High Intensity Runway Operations
- HIS: Horizontal Situation Indicator
- HISTB2: High Integrity System Test Bed v2
- HKALPA: Hong Kong Air Line Pilots Association
- HKAOA: Hong Kong Aircrew Officers Association
- HMD: Head Mounted Display
- HMI: Human Machine Interface
- HPE: Horizontal Position Error
- HPL: horizontal protection Limit
- HTAWS: Helicopter Terrain Awareness and Warning System
- HUD: Head-Up Display
- HUGs: Head-Up Guidance Systems
- HUL: Horizontal Uncertainty Level
- HUMS: Health & Usage Monitoring Systems
- HUNALPA: Hungarian Air Line Pilots’ Association
- HUPER: IFALPA Human Performance Committee
- IAAC: International Agricultural Aviation Centre
- IAARC: International Administrative Aeronautical Radio Conference
- IAASM: International Academy of Aviation and Space Medicine
- IABA: International Association of Aircraft Brokers and Agents
- IAC: International Advisory Committee
- IACA: International Air Carrier Association
- IACSC: Improved Airworthiness Communications Steering Committee
- IAEA: International Atomic Energy Agency
- IAF: Initial Approach Fix
- IALPA: Irish Air Line Pilots Association
- IAM: Informal (South Pacific Air Traffic Services Co-ordinating Group) Application Manual
- IANC: International Airline Navigators Council
- IAOPA: International Aircraft Owners and Pilots Associations
- IAP: Instrument Approach Plate
- IAPA: International Airline Passengers Association
- IAS: Indicated Air Speed
- IASA: International Air Safety Association
- IASS: International Air Safety Seminar
- IATA: International Air Transport Association
- IATA: International Air Transport Association
- ICAO: International Civil Aviation Organisation
- ICASM: International Congress of Aviation and Space Medicine
- ICD: Interface Control Document
- IF: Intermediate Fix
- IFA: International Federation of Airworthiness
- IFALPA: International Federation of Air Line Pilots’ Associations
- IFATCA: International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers’ Associations
- IFATSEA: International Federation of Air Traffic Safety Electronic Associations
- IFE: In-flight Emergency
- IFEA: Indian Flight Engineers Association
- IFEO: International Flight Engineers Organisation
- IFFAS: International Fund for Aviation Safety
- IFHO: International Federation of Helicopter Operators
- IFP: Integrated Flight Plan System
- IFPP: Instrument Flight Procedures Panel (ICAO)
- IFPS: Integrated Initial Flight Plan Processing System
- IFPZ: Integrated Initial Flight Plan Processing System Zone
- IFR: Instrument Flight Rules
- IHST: International Helicopter Safety Team
- ILO: International Labour Organisation
- ILS: Instrument Landing System
- IMA: Integrated Modular Avionics
- IMC: Instrument Meteorological Conditions
- IMU: Inertial Management Unit
- IND: IFALPA Industrial Committee
- INS: Inertial Navigation System
- INSTRAT: Institutional Strategy for Air Traffic Management
- INTERPOL: International Criminal Police Organisation
- INU: Inertial Navigation Unit
- IOCS: Interim Oceanic Control System (Interim datalink system for the Auckland Flight Information Region)
- IOSA: IATA Operational Safety Audit
- IP: Internet Protocol
- IPACG: Informal Pacific ATS (Air Traffic Services) Co-ordinating Group
- IPG: Indian Pilots’ Guild
- IPV: Instrument Approach with Vertical guidance
- IR: Ice on Runway
- IRS: Inertial Reference System
- ISAD: ICAO’s Incorporating Security into Aircraft Design () Working Group
- ISASI: International Society of Air Safety Investigators
- ISO: International Standards Organisation
- ISPACG: Informal South Pacific ATS (Air Traffic Services) Co-ordinating Group
- Israel FE: Israel Flight Engineers
- ISR-ALPA: Israel Air Line Pilots Association
- ITA: Institute of Air Transport
- ITF: International Transport Workers Federation
- ITP: In Trail Procedure (for climb or descent)
- ITU: International Telecommunications Union
- IUAI: International Union of Aviation Insurers
- JAA: Joint Aviation Authorities
- JALPA: Jamaica Air Line Pilots Association
- JCCA: Joint Committee for Civil Aviation
- JSSI: Joint Safety Strategy Initiative
- JTSO: Joint Technical Standard Order
- KAEPA: Kuwait Aircraft Engineers and Pilots Association
- KAL: Korean Airlines
- KALPA: Kenya Air Line Pilots Association
- KCCU: Keyboard Cursor Control Unit
- LAAS: Local Area Augmentation System
- LACAC: Latin American Civil Aviation Commission
- LAHSO: Land and Hold Short Operations
- LAN: Local Area Network
- LARS: Light-weight Aircraft Recording System
- LDG: Landing
- LDM: Low dispersible material
- LIALPA: Leeward Islands Air Line Pilots Association
- LIT-ALPA: Lithuanian Airline Pilots’ Association
- LOA: Letter of Agreement
- LOC: Localiser
- LOI: Loss Of Integrity
- LOSA: Line Orientated Safety Audit
- LPA: Lebanese Pilots Association
- LPV: Localiser Performance with Vertical Guidance
- LRM: Line Replacement Modules
- LRNS: Long Range Navigation System
- LROPS: Long Range Operations
- LRU: Line Replacement Unit
- LSA: Low specific activity materials
- MA: Mask Angle
- MADAP: Maastricht Automatic Data Processing and Display System
- MALPA: Mauritius Air Line Pilots’ Association
- MAN: Metropolitan Area Network
- MAP: Missed Approach Procedure
- MAPA: Malaysian Airline Pilots’ Association
- MAPE: Mean Absolute Percentage Errors (traffic forecasting)
- MAPT: Missed Approach Point
- MAPt: Missed Approach Point
- MASPS: Minimum Aviation Systems Performance Standards
- MAT: Maintenance Access Terminal
- MATF: Missed Approach Turning Fix
- MATSE: Meeting on the Air Traffic System in Europe
- MAUW: Maximum All Up Weight
- MBA: Microburst Alert
- MBOC: Multiplexed Binary Offset Carrier
- MCC: Multi Crew Coordination
- MCDU: Multifunction Control Display Unit
- MDA/H: Minimum Descent Altitude/Height
- MEA: Minimum En-route Altitude
- MECACON: Middle East Civil Aviation Conference
- MEL: Minimum Equipment List
- MET: Meteorological
- METAG: MET Advisory Group
- METAR: Meteorological Aerodrome Report
- METODA: Meteorological Observations and Information Distribution Arrangements for Local Aeronautical Users
- MFD: Multi Function Display
- MIL: Military
- MLS: Microwave Landing Systems
- MLW: Maximum Landing Weight
- MM: Middle Marker
- MMEL: Master Minimum Equipment List
- MMU: Memory Management Unit
- MNOP: Maximum Normal Operating Pressure
- MNPS: Minimum Navigation Performance Specifications
- MNPSA: Minimum Navigation Performance Specification Airspace
- MOA: Memorandum of Understanding
- MOPS: Minimum Operation Performance Standards
- MOTNE: Meteorological Operational Telecommunication Network in Europe
- MPL: Multi-crew Pilot Licence
- MRVA: Minimum Radar Vector Altitude
- MSL: Mean Sea Level
- MTBF: Mean Time Between Failure
- MTOW: Maximum Take-Off Weight
- MU: Management Unit
- MUCDU: Multifunctional Control and Display Unit
- N1: Gas generator speed
- N2: Second stage turbine speed
- NAAN: North Atlantic ADS-B Network
- NAAPE: National Association of Aircraft Pilots and Engineers (Nigeria)
- NAGU: Galileo Active User Notifications
- NANUs: Notices to Navstar Users
- NAPA: Namibia Air Line Pilots’ Association
- NARG: Navigation Aids and Area Navigation Group
- NAS: National Airspace System
- NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
- NATS: National Air Traffic Services (UK)
- NATSPG or NAT/SPG: North Atlantic Systems Planning Group
- NAV: Navigation
- NAVSEP or NAV/S: Panel Experts on Navigation and Separation
- ND: Navigation Display
- NDA: Next Data Authority
- NDB: Non Directional radio Beacon
- NDB: Navigation DataBase
- NEAN: North European ADS-B Network
- NEAP: North European CNS/ATM Application Project
- NEG: Negative, No, No permission, that is not correct
- NextGen: Next Generation Air Transportation System
- NF: Norwegian Air Line Pilots Association
- NFPA: National Fire Protection Association
- NLA: New Large Aircraft
- NLR: National Aerospace Laboratory of the Netherlands
- NM: Nautical Miles
- NMB: National Mediation Board
- NMEA: National Marine Electronics Association
- NNAE: Bureau de Normalisation de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace
- NOSIG: No Significant change
- NOTAM: Notice to AirMen
- NP: Propeller speed
- NPA: Notice of Proposed Amendments
- NPA(s): Non-Precision Approaches
- NPRM: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (US FAA)
- NPS: Navigation Performance Scales
- NSSG: Navigation & Separation Sub-Group
- NTSB: National Transportation Safety Board
- NUP: NEAN Update Programme
- NVG: Night Vision Goggles
- NVIS: Night-Vision Imaging System
- NZ-ALPA: New Zealand Air Line Pilots Association
- OAT: Outside Air Temperature
- OBS: Omni Bearing Selector
- OBST: Obstacle
- OCC: Operations Control Center
- OCS: Oceanic Control System
- OCU OMT: (Onboard Maintenance Terminal) Controller Unit
- ODETE: On-Line Data Exchange Terminal
- ODIAC-TF: Operational Development of Initial A/g data Communications Task Force
- ODID: Operational Input and Display System
- ODL: Oceanic Data Link (Datalink system for the Oakland Flight Information Region)
- ODT OMT: (Onboard Maintenance Terminal) Display Unit
- OFZ: Obstacle Free Zone
- OGP: Oil and Gas Producers Aviation Sub Committee
- OIP: Organization Iberoamericana de Pilotos
- OLDI: On-Line Data Interchange
- OM: Outer Marker
- OMT: Onboard Maintenance Terminal
- OP: Operational (issues)
- OPAC: Operations of Aircraft
- OPR: Air Traffic Management Operational Requirements
- OPS: Operations
- OPS/AIR: Operations/Airworthiness
- OPSP: Operational Panel
- OpSpec: Operations Specification
- ORCAM: Originating Region Code Assignment Method
- OSI: Open Systems Interconnection
- OUR: Operational Users Requirements
- PAAST: Pan American Aviation Safety Team
- PACOTS: Pacific Organised Track System
- PAK: Pilot Acknowledgement (service)
- PALPA: Pakistan Air Line Pilots Association
- PALPU: Pancyprian Airline Pilots Union
- PAMC: Provisional Acceptable Means of Compliance
- PANS: Procedures for Air Navigational Services
- PANS-OPS: Procedures for Air Navigational Services – Aircraft Operations
- PAPI: Precision Approach Path Indicator
- PAR: Precision Approach Radar
- PASYI: Pan-Cyprian Airline Pilots’ Union (PASYPI)
- PATRAM: Packaging and Transport of Radio-Active Materials
- PBS: Preferential Bidding System
- PCA: Propulsion Controlled Aircraft
- PCATD: Personal Computer based Aviation Training Device
- PCM: Post Crash Management
- PDOP: Position Dilution of Precision
- PEC: Pan European Conference
- PED: Passenger Electronic Devices
- PEL/TRG: Personnel Licensing and Training
- PETAL: Preliminary EUROCONTROL Test of Air/Ground Data Link
- PF: Pilot Flying
- PFA: Pilot Friendly Airport
- PFCS: Primary Flight Computer System
- PFD: Planned Flight Data
- PIC: Pilot In Command
- PID: Pilot Information Downlink (service)
- PinS: Point-in-Space Approach
- PIRG: Planning and Implementation Regional Group
- PIs: Performance Indicators
- PLC: Planning Controller (also known as Co-ordinator)
- PMC: Project Management Cell (Eurocontrol)
- PMS: Pavement Management System
- PNF: Pilot Not Flying
- PNGAPA: Papua New Guinea Air Pilots’ Association
- POH: Pilot Operating Handbook
- POL STAT: IFALPA Policy Statement
- POLALPA: Stowarzyszenie Polskich Pilotow Komunikacyjnych (Poland)
- PPK: Post Processing Kinematic
- PRC: Performance Review Commission
- PRICE: ICAO Proficiency Requirements in Common English Study Group
- PRL: Pilot Request Level (service)
- PRN: Pseudo Random Noise
- PRNAV: Precision Area Navigation
- PROMET: Provision of Meteorological Information
- PRQ: Pilot Request (service)
- PRR: Pilot Request, Route (service)
- PRU: Performance Review Unit
- PSC: Project Steering Committee
- PTOT: Provisional Take-Off Time
- PTT: Press To Talk
- PTUK: Pilots’ Trade Union Kazakhstan
- PTUL: Pilots Trade Union of Latvia
- PV: Present Value
- PVT: Position Velocity Time
- Q PROCEDURE: Procedure to identify replacement flight plans
- QDM: Magnetic zero wind heading
- QDR: Magnetic bearing
- QFA: Qantas
- QFE: Altimeter setting to give height above aerodrome
- QNH: Altimeter setting to give height above sea level
- QOS: Quality of Service
- RA:Resolution Advisory
- RAA: Regional Airline Association (USA)
- RAAS: Runway Aural Awareness System
- RAC: Rules of the Air and Air Traffic Services
- RAeS: Royal Aeronautical Society
- RAIM: Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring
- RAIM: Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring
- RAN: Regional Air Navigation
- RAPNET: Regional ATC Packet switched Network
- RASP: Radar Application Specialist Panel
- R-ATSU: The Receiving Air Traffic Services Unit
- RCL: Runway Centreline Lighting
- RDPS: Radar Data Processing System
- REG: Regulatory (issues)
- REL: Runway Entrance Light(s)
- RESA: Runway End Safety Area
- RESMA: Requirements for Emergency and Safety Airborne Equipment
- RET: Airborne & Ground Retrofit (issues)
- RF: Radio Frequency
- RFC: Request For Change
- RFF: Rescue and Fire Fighting
- RFL: Requested Flight Level
- RGCSP: Review of General Concept of Separation Panel
- RGS: Remote Ground Station
- RIMS: Runway Incursion Monitoring System
- RINEX: Receiver Independent Exchange Format
- RMCDE: Radar Message Conversion and Distribution Equipment
- RMP: Radio Management Panel
- RNAV: Area Navigation Receiver Independent Exchange Format
- RNDSG: Route Network and Development Sub-Group
- RNMP: Replacement of the Nautical Mile Panel
- RNP: Required Navigation Performance
- RO-ALPU: Romanian Air Line Pilot’s Union
- RPAS: Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems
- RPF: Rapid Prototyping Facility
- RPG: Regional Planning Group
- RPL: Repetitive Flight Plan
- RPP: Radiation Protection Programme
- RPR: Re-Routing Proposal Message
- RSC: Runway Service Conditions
- RT/RTF: Radio Telephony
- RTA: Required Time of Arrival
- RTCA: Requirements and Technical Concepts for Aeronautics
- RTCM SC: Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services Special Committee
- RTD: Research and Technical Development
- RTF: Radiotelephony
- RTK: Real Time Kinematic
- RTO: Rejected Take Off
- RVR: Runway Visual Range
- RVR: Runway Visual Range
- RVSM: Reduced Vertical Separation Minima
- RWSL: Runway Status Lights
- RWY: Runway
- RX: Receiver
- SA: Selective Availability
- SAAFEA: South African Airways Flight Engineers Association
- SAAM: System for Assignment and Analysis at a Macroscopic level
- SACAA: Southern African Civil Aviation Authority
- SAE: Society of Automotive Engineers
- SAFO: Safety Alert for Operators
- SAGSTRAM: Standing Advisory Group on the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material
- SALPA: Sudan Air Line Pilots Association
- SAPA: Swazi Air Line Pilots Association
- SAR: Search And Rescue
- SARPs: Standards and Recommended Practices (ICAO)
- SAS: Scandinavian Airline Systems
- SASP: ICAO Separation and Airspace Safety Panel
- SATCOM: Satellite Communication
- SATSAR: Satellite-aided Search And Rescue
- SBAS: Space Based Augmentation System (ie WAAS)
- SC: Steering Committee
- SCA: Serbian Cockpit Association
- SCAA: Swedish Civil Aviation Administration (LFV)
- SCAT-1: Special Category One
- SCP: Spacecraft Control Processors
- SDR: Service Difficulty Report
- SDS: Sub Domain Server
- SEAC: Service d’Etat de l’Aviation Civile (French Polynesia)
- SEC: IFALPA Security Committee
- SEIFR: Single-Engine Instrument Flight Rules
- SEOTV: Sindicato Espanol de Oficiales Tecnicos de Vuelo (Spain Flight Engineers)
- SEP: Safety Equipment and Procedures
- SEPLA: Sindicato Espanol de Pilotos de Lineas Aereas (Spain)
- SES: Single European Sky
- SESAR: Single European Sky ATM Research
- SESMA: Special Event Trend Analysis
- SETP: Society of Experimental Test Pilots
- SF: Special Freighter
- SGCAS: Study Group on Certification of Automatic Systems
- SGTOAA: Study Group on Take-off Accountability Areas
- SICASP: SSR Improvements and Collision Avoidance Systems Panel
- SID: Standard Instrument Departure
- SIPAC: Sindicato Panameno de Aviadores Comerciales (Panama)
- SIPACIP: Sindicato de Pilotos Aviadores Civiles del Paraguay
- SISG: Safety Indicators Study Group (ICAO)
- SITA: Société Internationale de Télécommunications Aéronautiques
- SITNA: Service Technique de la Navigation Aérienne (French technical service)
- SLOP: Strategic Lateral Offset Procedure
- SMGCS: Surface Movement Guidance and Control Systems
- SMI: Special Message Identifier
- SMR: Surface Movement Radar Study Group
- SMS: Safety Management System
- SNA: Sindicato Nacional dos Aeronautas (Brazil)
- SNOWTAM: Special NOTAM notifying the presence or removal of snow, ice, and slush or associated melt water from the manoeuvring areas of and aerodrome
- SNPL: Syndicat National des Pilotes de Ligne (France)
- SOIR: Simultaneous Operations on Parallel or Near-Parallel Instrument Runways
- SOP: Standard Operating Procedures
- SPA: Suriname Pilots’ Association
- SPACDAR: Specialist Panel on Automatic Conflict Detection and Resolution
- SPAS: Safety Performance Analysis System
- SPF: Svensk Pilot Forening (Sweden)
- SPLA: Syndicat des Pilotes de Ligna Algeriens (Algeria)
- SPNT: Syndicat Personnel Navigant Technique de Tunisia
- SR&O: System Requirements and Objectives
- SRA: Surveillance Radar Approach
- SRC: Safety Regulation Commission
- SRG: Safety Regulation Group
- SSA: System Safety Approach
- SSM: Satellite Signal Monitoring
- SSR: Secondary Surveillance Radar
- SSR: Mode S WG Secondary Surveillance Radar Mode Selective WG
- STA: Scheduled Time of Arrival
- STAP: (International Civil Aviation Organisation) Statistics Panel
- STAR(s): Standard Terminal Arrival Routes / STandard ARrival
- STC: Supplement Type Certificate
- STCA: Short Term Conflict Alert
- STDMA: Self-organising Time Division Multiple Access
- STVAC: Sindicato dos Tecnicos de Voo da Aviacao Civil (Portugal Flight Engineers)
- SVS: Synthetic Vision Systems
- SWET: Swedish NEAN Project Team
- SWIM: System Wide information Management
- TA: Traffic Advisory
- TAA: Terminal Approach Altitudes
- TAAATS: The Australian Advanced Air Traffic Services System
- TAF: Terminal Aerodrome Forecast
- TALPA: Turk Hava Yallair Pilotlari Dernegi (Turkey)
- TARA: Terminal Area R-NAV Applications Sub-Group
- TARMAC: Taxi and Ramp Management and Control
- TARTAR: International Civil Aviation Organisation Meetings on Transit Air Traffic Services Routes through the Airspace of the Russian Federation
- TAWS: Terrain Avoidance Warning System
- TCAA: Transatlantic Common Aviation Area
- TCAS: Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System
- TCP: Transmission Control Protocol
- TDI: Track Deviation Instrument
- TDM: Track Definition Message
- TDZ: Touchdown Zone
- TEMPO: Temporary or temporarily
- TEN-T: Trans- European Network – Transport
- TFG: Traffic Forecasting Group
- TFTS: Terrestrial Flight Telephone System
- TGS: Taxi Guidance System
- ThaiPA: Thai Pilots’ Association
- TIS-B: Traffic Information service – Broadcast
- TMA: Terminal Area
- TMBOC: Time-multiplexed Binary Offset Carrier
- TMC: Traffic Management Coordinator
- TMU: Traffic Management Unit
- TOPM: Take-Off Performance Monitors
- TOR: Terms Of Reference
- TOS: Traffic Orientation Scheme
- TPA: Tanzania Pilots Association
- TRANSSAC: Transport Safety Standards Advisory Committee
- TRL: Transition Level
- TRNSG: Testing of Radio Navaids Study Group (ICAO)
- TROP: Tropopause
- TSA: Temporary Segregated Area
- TSD: Time Sequence Diagram
- TSO: Technical Standards Order
- TTALPA: Trinidad & Tobago Airline Pilots Association
- TUI: Trade Unions International of Transport Workers
- T-VASIS: T Visual Approach Slope Indicator System
- TWR: Air Traffic Control Tower
- TWS: Terrain Awareness and Warning System
- UAC: Upper Area Control Centre
- UAL: United Airlines
- UAT: Universal Access Transceiver
- UAV: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
- UHF: Ultra High Frequency
- UIR: Upper Information Region
- UK: AIP United Kingdom Aeronautical Information Package (CAP 32)
- UL: Uplink message
- ULR: Ultra Long Range
- UN: United Nations
- UNCOE: United Nations Committee of Experts
- UPA: Uganda Pilots’ Association
- UPU: Universal Postal Union
- USOAP: Universal Safety Oversight Audit Program (ICAO)
- UTC: Universal Time Coordinated (equivalent to GMT & Zulu )
- VAAC: Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre
- VAC: Visual Approach Chart
- VAP: Visual Aids Panel (ICAO)
- VAR: Magnetic Variation
- VASI: Visual Approach Slope Indicator
- VASIS: Visual Approach Slope Indicating System
- VAW: Volcanic Ash Warnings
- VC: Vereinigung Cockpit (German Air Line Pilots’ Association)
- VCS: Voice Communications System
- VDL VHF: (Very High Frequency) Data Link
- VDP: Visual Descent Point
- VDR VHF: (Very High Frequency) Digital Radio
- VFOP: Visual Flight Rules Operations Panel
- VFR: Visual Flight Rules
- VFRG: Visual Flight Rules Group
- VHF: Very High Frequency
- VIVO: Visualisation des Vols Océaniques (situation display & datalink system for the Tahiti Flight Information Region)
- VKB KLM: Flight Engineers Association
- VLDM: Very low dispersible material
- VMC: Visual Meteorological Conditions
- VMP: Vertical Measurement Panel
- VNAV: Vertical Navigation
- VNV: Vereniging van Nederlandse Verkeersvliegers (Dutch Air Line Pilots’ Association)
- VOR: VHF Omni-Directional Range
- VSCF: Variable Speed Constant Frequency
- VSSG: Vertical Separation Study Group
- VTOL: Vertical Take-Off & Landing
- WAAS: Wide Area Augmentation System
- WAFS: World Area Forecast System Study Group
- WAN: Wide Area Network
- WEAA: Western European Airports Association
- WEAAP: Western European Association for Aviation Psychology
- WFTU: World Federation of Trade Unions
- WG: Working Group
- WGS: 84 World Geodetic System 1984
- WHO: World Health Organisation
- WIAS: Weather Information Automated System
- WIST: Study Group on Low Level Wind Shear Turbulence (ICAO)
- WMO: World Meteorological Organisation
- WOCL: Window of Circadian Low
- WP: Work Package
- WXXM: Weather eXchange Model
- XPDR: Transponder
- XTE: Cross Track Error
- YOYO: Only Y Available
- Zulu or z: Equivalent to Greenwich Mean Time or UTC
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